Igangan-Ijesha is a community in Osun State. Igangan is not a city in Ilesha. It is an autonomous city (community) on its own but still part of Ijeshaland. Igangan has a rich history that spans hundreds of years ago (History of Igangan-Ijesha)

All facts about Igangan-Ijesha are published in this category. These include the history of Igangan-Ijesha, political administration, economy, cultures and others.

To ease the tasks of people who want to travel to Igangan from anywhere in the world, we also provide articles on the location of Igangan-Ijesha, tagged “Where is Igangan-Ijesha?” 

Arake festival and other festivals are examined, including schools and notable personalities from Igangan-Ijesha.

Here is a tag for all the compounds family in Igangan-Ijesha.

Compound Families in Igangan-Ijesha (1420s till Date)

It is difficult these days to talk of compound family in Igangan-Ijesha because of the complexity and largeness of the community. In other words, Igangan-Ijesha used to be a very…

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