The19th-Century Sokoto Jihad: Causes, Course and Impacts

Hunwick (1966) said that the Hausa land before the arrival of Islam was largely a pagan oriented society. There were about fourteen independent kingdoms of Hausa states before the arrival…

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Read more about the article Summary: Who Are the Yoruba People?
Yoruba People

Summary: Who Are the Yoruba People?

The Yoruba people are a dominant ethnic group in modern-day Nigeria. The history of the Yoruba people basically starts in the ancient and legendary city of Ile-Ife. Mythical Origins of…

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Read more about the article The Wangara traders and the Economic Transformation of the Central Sudan, 1500-1800
Songhai Empire. pic.

The Wangara traders and the Economic Transformation of the Central Sudan, 1500-1800

Who are the Wangara? The Wangara (Wangarawa in Hausa; jakhanké) traders were Muslims, traders, clerics, and wanderers from the Songhai Empire. These traders spread across Central Sudan through trans-Saharan trade…

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Read more about the article Al-Kanemi, an Opportunist or a Tactical Political Usurper?

Al-Kanemi, an Opportunist or a Tactical Political Usurper?

Who was Al-Kanemi? Muhammed Al-Kanemi was a Muslim scholar, a warrior, and religious and secular leader who transformed the political arrangement of the Kanem –Borno Empire in the 19th century.…

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Read more about the article Sources of Writing History Explained

Sources of Writing History Explained

History as a Discipline History is simply the study of the past to know the present and determine the future. It is an unending dialogue in human society. The essence…

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Read more about the article The Aro, Arochukwu, and the Slave Trade

The Aro, Arochukwu, and the Slave Trade

What is Arochukwu? The word 'Arochukwu' brings confusion, not in its real meaning, but in the context in which it was being used. Arochukwu has geographical, ethnic, and religious meanings.…

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Read more about the article The Slave Trade: Causes, and Impacts on African Society
slaves. BBC photo

The Slave Trade: Causes, and Impacts on African Society

Slave trade simply is a trade where people are traded as articles of trade. The term widely gained prominence by the obnoxious trans-Atlantic slave trade in which European merchants, regulated…

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Read more about the article Summary: The Trans-Saharan Trade Routes (till 19th century)
Featured Image of the Saharan Trade Image credit;

Summary: The Trans-Saharan Trade Routes (till 19th century)

It is uncommon to see African scholars stressing the importance of any slave trade, especially the trans-Saharan and the trans-Atlantic slave trades. Prior to the fifteenth century, when the European…

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Tabular Representation: Understanding Shaw’s Pre-history

‘Pre-history’ is a topic in ''The Groundwork of Nigerian History'' examined by the renowned archaeologist, Thurstan Shaw who had worked on many sites in Nigeria for the archaeological relation, periodization…

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Read more about the article British Indirect Rule in Nigeria: Nature and Features
British Indirect Rule in Nigeria

British Indirect Rule in Nigeria: Nature and Features

Between 1849 and 1906, West African territories had been occupied by European powers, who subjected the peoples to a new type of administration. This was the resultant effect of the ‘Partition…

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The Aba Women’s Riots of 1929

 Clarifications  The Aba Women riots, led by women in the Calabar and Owerri provinces of southeastern Nigeria in November and December of 1929 against the oppressive colonial power is known…

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